Dave uses his photographs to teach Biblical truths in a way that is creative and memorable.
Andy & Sandra Stanley
North Point Ministries
From the moment I first met Aussie Dave, his words and devotions have always been a source of encouragement for me.
Lauren Daigle
Grammy Award winner
Dave is a genius. He’s always seeing into the future when it comes to technology and marketing.
Jon Acuff
NYT Bestselling author
Dave coached my team to optimize my YouTube. After implementing his strategy, we doubled our subscribers in just 30 days.
Carey Nieuwhof
Church influencer
What my friend Dave Adamson does through his teaching and most importantly, friendship, is help illuminate people’s faith.
Jeff Henderson
Pastor and author

Digital Ministry Is Complicated
You know there’s more to it than just streaming services and posting on social media … but where do you start? MetaChurch will help ministries of any size use technology effectively to reach people and make disciples.
Using his experience as one of the first online pastors in the world, Dave outlines a detailed and practical strategy to help you develop a church model where online and offline work together seamlessly.
I help churches get the most from social media and YouTube
so they can reach more people and change more lives.

The Bible is complicated. You want to get more from it. I can help.
The top 5 Christian Books To Grow Your Faith
Are you looking for some great christian books that will grow your faith? I know you are … coz I get asked this all the time on social media. Well … today I wanna share the FIVE best Christian books. These are books that have grown my faith over the years. If you...
My new BEAST of a YouTube rig
Ever since I started my YouTube channel, I’ve wanted a video, audio and lighting set-up that was self-contained and portable. I’ve tried a number of different options and configurations in recent month … and I finally figured it out! And since the...
Things I Want ALL Daughters To Know
For the past few months I have been regularly posting leadership quotes and “life lessons” to Twitter using the hashtag #StuffIWantMyDaughtersToKnow. The basic idea is that as I write, curate, hear or find great life quotes, ideas and leadership principles, I tweet...
I used to be a TV reporter in Australia, and then became the Social Media and Online Pastor for Andy Stanley at North Point Ministries in Atlanta. I’m also a photographer, musician and an author at YouVersion. I post daily devotions on my BibleInPhotos Instagram account … oh, and I have two books, 52 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know, and Chasing The Light.