by Dave Adamson | Aug 24, 2019 | Articles, Uncategorized, YouTube
If life has worn you down, this post is for you. In the harshest and hottest desert in the Holy Land—the Judean wilderness—is an oasis called Ein Gedi, which is the natural spring that King David of the Bible fled to when he was running for his life. Ein-Gedi, the...
by Dave Adamson | Jan 3, 2019 | Articles, Uncategorized
Okay, so I know that when you read or click on a headline like this, you don’t want any backstory to the idea that led to the increase—you just want the details. You want the information, not the inspiration. I get it. So I’ll include the why to the how at the...
by Dave Adamson | Nov 30, 2018 | Uncategorized
Are you ready for a new perspective of prayer? I hate getting cold calls to my house. Whenever a company calls—usually at the most inopportune times—trying to convince me why their product is something I need, it just seems selfish. Am I the only one? But those calls...
by Dave Adamson | Aug 12, 2018 | Uncategorized
Ever since I started my YouTube channel, I’ve wanted a video, audio and lighting set-up that was self-contained and portable. I’ve tried a number of different options and configurations in recent month … and I finally figured it out! And since the...
by Dave Adamson | Mar 16, 2018 | Uncategorized
You want to build community around your social media content, and you know going LIVE on Instagram Stories, Facebook and YouTube is the simplest way … but you also want your LIVE videos stand out from the crowd, right? You know lighting and audio make a big...
by Dave Adamson | Jan 31, 2018 | Articles, Uncategorized
At That Church Conference a few years ago, I heard a keynote speaker say, “There’s no such thing as church online.” I was immediately shocked. I mean, I was an online pastor. How dare he?! Now I agree. Church online as we’ve known it for the past decade is gone. And...